Saturday, April 12, 2014

Kali Linux Hacks App!

Hey everyone! Right now i'm working on an app for the Kali Linux Hacks blog, so you can view the blogs a lot easier on you phone, and I will also make exlusive tutorials that I will put into the app.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Alfa Network Adapter

A few days ago, my alfa network adapter came in. I've got the Alfa AWUS036H LUXURY Pack, as you can see down here.                        

I've test it out a few times and I'm really happy with it. I also got an 25 dBi Yagi antenna with it, but that one has an different connector as the one I aspected, so I will have to find something for that. Untill then, I got the 9 dBi Alfa antenna, and that one works fine as well. I've got great plans for it, so I'll let you know what the first real hack will be.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Wireless USB adapter

Well everybody, today i'm going to pick up my new wireless usb adapter (Eminent, 300 mb/s). I hope this will work to fix my problem. Bye!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Wireless Card

When I wanted to perform my first crack; cracking my home wifi network (WPA), I stumbled into an problem (again). Kali Linux couldn't find my wireless card, while I do have one in my older laptop, which I now threw Windows XP off and fully installated Kali Linux. I am going to fix this by asking and looking around, or get myself an extern wireless card (via USB). When I fixed this problem, I will let you know, and maybe I will post another blog about an other hack.

Using of Kali Linux

When you came on this blog, you probably wanted to go do something with Kali Linux. So, lets download and use Kali Linux.

To start with tutorials/hacks/cracks for Kali Linux, you have to download it first of course. You can download an official ISO file from their own website: Here you can download the version you need. You can choose from 32 and 64 bit, and if you want to download the ISO directly, or within an torrent.

The next thing to do when you have your ISO file, is to boot from it. You can do this with an DVD, an USB or an Virtual Machine. Lets start with the first option: the DVD.

So, the things you need for this option are the ISO file of Kali Linux, and an writable DVD. You also need the program (I prefer this one) ISO recorder. This program will make you able to burn an ISO file onto an dvd an boot from it. You can download the program here: When the download is finished, you might notice that it didn't installed an physical program. You can use the program by right clicking an ISO file, an then clik on: Copy to CD/DVD. Then, the program shows up and you can burn the ISO to your DVD. Now, you have an bootable DVD (with Kali Linux). Now reboot your computer and open up the BIOS. Here, you will have to make sure that CD (or DVD (or CD/DVD)) is the first boot option. Now exit the BIOS and you can boot from the DVD.

If you want to boot form an USB, you will have to download a little tool first. You can also use the command prompt, but this is easier. The program you will have to download is UNetbootin. With this program you can easily make USB's bootable with an ISO file. You can download it at: When the installation is finished, open UNetbootin and select: Diskimage instead of Distribution. Then open up your ISO file and select the right USB device. Then press OK. (You have to make sure your USB device is 4GB or higher). WATCH OUT! ALL FILES THAT WERE ON THE USB DEVICE WILL BE DELETED!. After the progress is done, you can reboot your computer and open up the BIOS. Here, you will have to make sure that the USB is the first boot option. Now, exit the Bios and you can boot from the USB.

Virtual Machine:
In this tutorial I will be using Virtual Box. That is an free virtual machine which is very popular (you will find lots of other tutorial for this one). To download Virtual Box, go to Here, you will have to download the newest version, in my case 'VirtualBox 4.3.8 for Windows hosts'. Download and install this. Once your download is finished, you will have to open up Virtual Box. Then click on 'New'. The next thing to do is giving your new virtual machine an name, I just called it Kali. Then, you MUST select Linux as operating system, and then you MUST select Debian as version. At memory, type 1024 mb instead of 512 mb (I prefer this). Once that is done, keep klicking next and ok, untill it is done. Then, click on settings, go to storage, and then click on Empty. At the right, click on the browse icon, and search and select your ISO file. When you have done this, you are done with the settings. Now you can click on start and start your Virtual Machine.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

I'm back!

I'm back again, from now of i will continue again on this blog. The next blog will be about the downloading, using and installing of Kali Linux. I'm looking forward to that one!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Okay, so this is an little embarrassing... I don't know how to fix the problem with Kali Linux, so I will now go use its older version: Backtrack 5. The location of the new blog is: When I have fixed the problem I will report it on the new blog, and then continue with Kali again.

Little issues

Well, while I was writing my second blog (what now will be my 3th probably) I came against some problems while using Kali, so I will have to fix them first untill I will continue. Hope that I have it soon fixed!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Welcome at Kali Linux Hacks

This is a blog where I will post tutorials and hacks/cracks for Kali Linux (the new version/update of Backtrack 5). I do have to say that I'm not responsible for any of the damage my blogs will make, so use them carefully. I'm looking forward to my first blog!