Saturday, April 12, 2014
Kali Linux Hacks App!
Friday, April 4, 2014
Alfa Network Adapter
I've test it out a few times and I'm really happy with it. I also got an 25 dBi Yagi antenna with it, but that one has an different connector as the one I aspected, so I will have to find something for that. Untill then, I got the 9 dBi Alfa antenna, and that one works fine as well. I've got great plans for it, so I'll let you know what the first real hack will be.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Wireless USB adapter
Well everybody, today i'm going to pick up my new wireless usb adapter (Eminent, 300 mb/s). I hope this will work to fix my problem. Bye!
Friday, March 21, 2014
Wireless Card
When I wanted to perform my first crack; cracking my home wifi network (WPA), I stumbled into an problem (again). Kali Linux couldn't find my wireless card, while I do have one in my older laptop, which I now threw Windows XP off and fully installated Kali Linux. I am going to fix this by asking and looking around, or get myself an extern wireless card (via USB). When I fixed this problem, I will let you know, and maybe I will post another blog about an other hack.
Using of Kali Linux
When you came on this blog, you probably wanted to go do something with Kali Linux. So, lets download and use Kali Linux.
To start with tutorials/hacks/cracks for Kali Linux, you have to download it first of course. You can download an official ISO file from their own website: Here you can download the version you need. You can choose from 32 and 64 bit, and if you want to download the ISO directly, or within an torrent.The next thing to do when you have your ISO file, is to boot from it. You can do this with an DVD, an USB or an Virtual Machine. Lets start with the first option: the DVD.
So, the things you need for this option are the ISO file of Kali Linux, and an writable DVD. You also need the program (I prefer this one) ISO recorder. This program will make you able to burn an ISO file onto an dvd an boot from it. You can download the program here: When the download is finished, you might notice that it didn't installed an physical program. You can use the program by right clicking an ISO file, an then clik on: Copy to CD/DVD. Then, the program shows up and you can burn the ISO to your DVD. Now, you have an bootable DVD (with Kali Linux). Now reboot your computer and open up the BIOS. Here, you will have to make sure that CD (or DVD (or CD/DVD)) is the first boot option. Now exit the BIOS and you can boot from the DVD.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
I'm back!
I'm back again, from now of i will continue again on this blog. The next blog will be about the downloading, using and installing of Kali Linux. I'm looking forward to that one!